Individuals that find themselves planning a funeral may have not been in this position before. With so much going on with the funeral, it can be difficult for them to think about anything else – like how they are going to afford it. While life insurance is in place to help take care of some of these costs, it is a timely and difficult process to receive the money. Funeral funding is a great way for families to receive the money when it is needed, rather than waiting on the insurance company to send money. Educating clients on funeral funding can ease their funeral planning process and allow them to move forward.
Because families don’t realize the extent of the insurance process, they are often left paying for the funeral out of pocket before they receive any money from insurance. This could mean . . . having the funeral at an inopportune time while they wait for funding, families seeking loans to pay, or using a credit card to foot the bill. Funeral funding provides an option for these families that allows them to have timely funerals while also avoiding the use of high-interest credit cards or loans. After a quick and easy verification process, funding can be given to these families.
Funding is not the only headache families will encounter while planning a funeral. In addition to funding, there is an extensive amount of paperwork that is required when filing for an insurance claim. This is another task that can be completed by your funeral funding company like us, making the funeral process even simpler for families. The funeral funder will file the necessary documents and collect the insurance money on the family’s behalf.
As a funeral director, it is important to explain this process to your clients to see if it is a beneficial and appropriate action for them to take. Explanations can include the stress reducing aspects of funeral funding – quicker access to insurance money for timely funerals, avoiding credit cards and loans that saves money for clients, and eliminating difficult insurance paperwork. Educating families will make them feel much more comfortable when considering the benefits of using a funeral funding company.
For more information about TP Financial and funeral funding, please call us at (256) 737-8788 or visit